sâmbătă, 1 iulie 2017
What is "the pit"?

What is "Moshing"?

joi, 29 iunie 2017
Zadie Smith
Zadie Smith was born in North London in 1975 to an English father and a Jamaican mother. Originally named Sadie, she changed her name to Zadie at 14. Smith wrote her acclaimed first novel White Teeth during her final year at King’s College, Cambridge. Moving to the US, she studied at Harvard and taught creative writing at Columbia University School of Fine Arts before taking her current post at New York University. She divides her time between New York and London, with her husband, writer Nick Laird, and their two children.
Smith has received nearly 20 nominations and awards for her writing. In recent years she has branched outm into short stories and critical essays. In an article in The Guardian newspaper she was asked to give her 10 golden rules for writing fiction, which included: “Tell the truth throughwhichever veil comes to hand— but tell it.”
joi, 22 iunie 2017
Toni Morrison - Beloved - a Great American Novel

“Love is or it ain't. Thin love ain't love at all.”
miercuri, 21 iunie 2017
What is a caricature?
We can find caricature in the arts or literature, an exaggerated portrayal of an individual or type, aiming to ridicule or otherwise expose the subject; in art, features are often made comical or
grotesque. Classical and medieval examples of pictorial caricatures survive. Artists of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries have often used caricature as a way of satirizing society and politics. Notable exponents include the French artist Honoré Daumier and the German George Grosz. In literature, caricatures have appeared since the comedies of Aristophanes in ancient Greece. Shakespeare and Dickens were adept at creating caricatures. Grotesque drawings have been discovered in Pompeii and Herculaneum, and Pliny refers to a grotesque portrait of the poet Hipponax.
grotesque. Classical and medieval examples of pictorial caricatures survive. Artists of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries have often used caricature as a way of satirizing society and politics. Notable exponents include the French artist Honoré Daumier and the German George Grosz. In literature, caricatures have appeared since the comedies of Aristophanes in ancient Greece. Shakespeare and Dickens were adept at creating caricatures. Grotesque drawings have been discovered in Pompeii and Herculaneum, and Pliny refers to a grotesque portrait of the poet Hipponax.
Leonardo da Vinci was one of the first artists to use the principles of caricature. These were developed in the humorous drawings of the Carracci family and their Bolognese followers (the Italian 'eclectic' school of the 16th century). In 1830 Charles Philipon (1800–1862) founded in Paris La Caricature, probably the first periodical to specialize in caricature.
KORN - nu metal wave of the early to mid-nineties

bands of the new metal scene, and this is probably why they survive as a band to this day.
- Korn (album) (1994)
- Life Is Peachy (1996)
- Follow the Leader (Korn album) (1998)
- Issues (album) (1999)
- Untouchables (album) (2002)
- Take a Look in the Mirror (2003)
- See You on the Other Side (2005)
- Albumul Korn fără nume (2007)
- Korn III: Remember Who You Are (2010)
- The Path Of Totality (2011)
- The Paradigm Shift (2013)
- The Serenity of Suffering (album) (2016)
marți, 20 iunie 2017
Child 44 - Tom Hardy's gloomy thriller
Tom Hardy adds another accent to his repertoire in this gloomy thriller, a grim saga of child murder and statesponsored intimidation that’s equally as bleached of colour as it is of joy. Set in Stalin’s Russia, its complex story finds Hardy’s disgraced intelligence officer hunting a killer his government won’t admit exists: an Orwellian scenario that allows director Daniel Espinosa to supply traditional genre thrills, as well as more thoughtful musings on how character is shaped under a suppressive ideology. Gary Oldman and Noomi Rapace lend solid support; at two hours plus, though, it’s a bit of a slog.
On the Road - Jack Kerouac

In the postwar United States, a generation of middle-class youth became increasingly reluctant to follow the societal pathways of their parents based on materialistic goals. Instead, they adopted a meandering, spontaneous form of existence in their quest to find true meaning in life. Some of them became known as “beats”: a collective of poets and writers who sought kicks, spiritual refuge, and excess in alcohol, drugs, and sex; they also delighted in jazz.
On the Road details a series of journeys that Kerouac took between 1947 and 1950. In the book they are narrated by Sal Paradise (identified with Kerouac himself) who is often accompanied on his travels by Dean Moriarty (the writer Neal Cassady). A number of other beat generation writers also appear in the book, disguised by name only, such as Allen Ginsberg (“Carlo Marx”) and William S. Burroughs (“Old Bull Lee”).
“[...]the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”
The Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger
Jerome David Salinger was born in 1919 to wealthy parents in New York City. Like his main protagonist Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger attended several schools before graduating. After spending a year in Europe, he studied at Columbia University, taking a writing
course led by Whit Burnett, editor of Story magazine, who became his mentor early in his writing career. Salinger was drafted into the US Army in 1942 and continued to write despite suffering from a “nervous condition.” The Catcher in the Rye thrust Salinger onto the world stage as a literary celebrity. However, he resented the attention and became reclusive and far less productive. By the time of his death in 2010, The Catcher in the Rye remained Salinger’s only full-length novel.
course led by Whit Burnett, editor of Story magazine, who became his mentor early in his writing career. Salinger was drafted into the US Army in 1942 and continued to write despite suffering from a “nervous condition.” The Catcher in the Rye thrust Salinger onto the world stage as a literary celebrity. However, he resented the attention and became reclusive and far less productive. By the time of his death in 2010, The Catcher in the Rye remained Salinger’s only full-length novel.
The Catcher in the Rye is narrated by 17-year-old Holden Caulfield. He is liberal with his parents’ money, and relentless in his commentary on the human condition, sexuality, and morality. He has little regard for authority and seems careless about his self-destructive trajectory.
But Holden Caulfield is much more than a teenage rebel. His frank admissions of deceptions, imperfections, and contradictions reveal a bemused individual who is hankering after childhood
innocence, suffering grief, and growing painfully aware of the contradictions of adult life. He is a compelling antihero—an ambivalent, vulnerable figure— who can be sensitive and witty as well as immature and vulgar. Caulfield’s casual disregard for honesty and disdain for societal norms are mitigated by a genuine confessional impulse and surprising tolerance for some of the diverse characters he encounters throughout the course of the novel. Caulfield is also an easy victim. He is bullied in his dormitory at school, and ripped off by a pimp working the elevator in the New York hotel. In his confusion about women and sex, he unconsciously seeks out kindness and familiarity. Having paid for a prostitute he asks if they can simply “talk.” He strikes up a conversation with two nuns, despite his atheism, and they insist he is “a very sweet boy.” Inevitably, Salinger’s dirty realism caused controversy. Some critics dismissed the novel as puerile and maudlin. But Salinger gained cult status in the years following its publication, further fueled by his reclusive lifestyle.
innocence, suffering grief, and growing painfully aware of the contradictions of adult life. He is a compelling antihero—an ambivalent, vulnerable figure— who can be sensitive and witty as well as immature and vulgar. Caulfield’s casual disregard for honesty and disdain for societal norms are mitigated by a genuine confessional impulse and surprising tolerance for some of the diverse characters he encounters throughout the course of the novel. Caulfield is also an easy victim. He is bullied in his dormitory at school, and ripped off by a pimp working the elevator in the New York hotel. In his confusion about women and sex, he unconsciously seeks out kindness and familiarity. Having paid for a prostitute he asks if they can simply “talk.” He strikes up a conversation with two nuns, despite his atheism, and they insist he is “a very sweet boy.” Inevitably, Salinger’s dirty realism caused controversy. Some critics dismissed the novel as puerile and maudlin. But Salinger gained cult status in the years following its publication, further fueled by his reclusive lifestyle.
Death and grief are prevailing themes in The Catcher in the Rye. After Holden’s brother dies, he
smashes his hands in rage; his classmate is bullied and comes to a tragic end; and the very title of the book refers to stopping (catching) children running through fields before they fall off a cliff. It is likely that the loss of numerous young soldiers in World War II influenced Salinger to write this compelling first-person narrative, which remains an enduring portrait of the teenager in crisis.
smashes his hands in rage; his classmate is bullied and comes to a tragic end; and the very title of the book refers to stopping (catching) children running through fields before they fall off a cliff. It is likely that the loss of numerous young soldiers in World War II influenced Salinger to write this compelling first-person narrative, which remains an enduring portrait of the teenager in crisis.
It's funny. All you have to do is say something nobody understands and they'll do practically anything you want them to.
luni, 19 iunie 2017
A a heavy metal band - Disturbed
Dave Drainman (vocals), Dan Donegan (guitar), Fuzz (bass), Mike Wengren (drums).
Disturbed are a heavy metal band with a debt to early metal and mainstream thrash-like bands such as Pantera. The band started out in Chicago in the late nineties. Drainman’s unique vocal style helped gain them a huge following in the Midwest, eventually getting them signed in 2000 to the small Giant label, who released their first album, The Sickness. While the first album is a relatively good
low-budget affair, the band had access to a larger production budget once they moved over to music giant Warner Brothers, and the second record is miles above The Sickness with payer and liberation” proving that Donegan is a first-rate metal guitarist and that Drainman’s “I gargled with broken glass before this song” and then suddenly clear singing voice knows how to work a song. The band even manages to end the record with the power ballad “Darkness” that manages to be spooky instead of cheesy. The next two records seemed a bit less focused (Ten Thousand Fists in particular)and seem almost as though the band, in trying some electronic touches, was becoming a bit more concerned with mainstream airplay, or at least interested in creating downloadable ringtones for emo metal kids. Although Disturbed was often lumped into the new metal field by critics, their music was actually much heavier than one would assume. The first two records in particular are well worth investigating.
Their cover The Sound Of Silence hit number one on the Billboard Hard Rock Digital Songs and Mainstream Rock charts, and is their highest-charting song on the Hot 100, peaking at number 42. It is also their highest-charting single in Australia, peaking at number 4.
Disturbed are a heavy metal band with a debt to early metal and mainstream thrash-like bands such as Pantera. The band started out in Chicago in the late nineties. Drainman’s unique vocal style helped gain them a huge following in the Midwest, eventually getting them signed in 2000 to the small Giant label, who released their first album, The Sickness. While the first album is a relatively good
low-budget affair, the band had access to a larger production budget once they moved over to music giant Warner Brothers, and the second record is miles above The Sickness with payer and liberation” proving that Donegan is a first-rate metal guitarist and that Drainman’s “I gargled with broken glass before this song” and then suddenly clear singing voice knows how to work a song. The band even manages to end the record with the power ballad “Darkness” that manages to be spooky instead of cheesy. The next two records seemed a bit less focused (Ten Thousand Fists in particular)and seem almost as though the band, in trying some electronic touches, was becoming a bit more concerned with mainstream airplay, or at least interested in creating downloadable ringtones for emo metal kids. Although Disturbed was often lumped into the new metal field by critics, their music was actually much heavier than one would assume. The first two records in particular are well worth investigating.
Their cover The Sound Of Silence hit number one on the Billboard Hard Rock Digital Songs and Mainstream Rock charts, and is their highest-charting song on the Hot 100, peaking at number 42. It is also their highest-charting single in Australia, peaking at number 4.
Rock band of the 1980s - Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi (vocals), Ritchie Sambora (guitar),David Bryan (keyboards), Tico Torres (drums).
One of the most successful groups from the “hair metal” era of the 1980s, Bon Jovi’s particular blend of pop sensibility and working-class lyrical themes, along with a string of MTV videos showcasing Jon Bon Jovi’s good looks, gave them a wider appeal and longer career life than almost any of their direct peers, to the extent that they have continued to enjoy a viable career into the new millennium.
Jon Bongiovi (his real name) got his start through his cousin Tony Bongiovi, who owned the famous New York City recording studio The Power Station. After recording a series of demos at the studio, one of them, “Runaway,” became a local hit on New Jersey radio. Bongiovi subsequently put together a band featuring his longtime friend keyboardist David Rashbaum, drummer Tico Torres, bassist Alec John Such, and guitarist Dave Sabo. The band soon became the object of an
intense bidding war between a number of record labels. Ultimately, the band signed with Polygram in 1983. Before the release of the band’s debut, Bongiovi changed his name to Bon Jovi, Rashbaum changed his to Bryan (his middle name), and Richie Sambora replaced Dave Sabo (who would later go on to success with Skid Row).
Released in 1984, Bon Jovi was a success with “Runaway” replicating its previous success as a hit single on a national scale. Unfortunately, Tony Bongiovi sued the band, claiming that he had served to develop their successful sound. The suit was ultimately settled out of court. The band’s sophomore album, 7800 Fahrenheit, released in 1985, also did well. Seeking a higher level of success, the band
hired professional songwriter Desmond Child to collaborate on new material, which was subsequently test marketed to teens in the New York/New Jersey area. All of Bon Jovi’s R&D paid off with the 1986 album Slippery When Wet, which would go on to sell over nine million copies. Aided by a series of lush performance- oriented videos on MTV, the album made the band superstars. Featuring two number 1 hits in “You Give Love a Bad Name” and “Livin’ on a Prayer,” and the
top ten “Wanted Dead or Alive,” the album became the quintessential album of the pop-metal/hair band era.
Psycho - one of Hitchcock's best films
For a film routinely rated as one of the scariest of all time, it's strange how few actual scares there are in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. There's the shower scene - a 45- second, 70-shot slasharama that freaked out a generation. There's the scene where private investigator Arbogast (Martin Balsam) gets surprised on the staircase, not to mention the big reveal in the basement with its double whammy of extreme taxidermy and transvestism.
For the most part, though, Hitchcock's classic isn't about scares at all. It's more about dread: a lurking, pervasive terror that steps even its most innocuous moments in pure fear. It's there in Janet Leigh's eyes as she makes off whith $40,000 of stolen bills, and in Anthony Perkins anxious nail biting as he waits for her car to sink into the swamp. It's there in the sunlight, in the shades of the traffic cop who becomes Marion's implacable stalker.
Movie murder wasn't invented in 1960, but it was definitely perfected and Psycho is the best exemple.
For the most part, though, Hitchcock's classic isn't about scares at all. It's more about dread: a lurking, pervasive terror that steps even its most innocuous moments in pure fear. It's there in Janet Leigh's eyes as she makes off whith $40,000 of stolen bills, and in Anthony Perkins anxious nail biting as he waits for her car to sink into the swamp. It's there in the sunlight, in the shades of the traffic cop who becomes Marion's implacable stalker.
Movie murder wasn't invented in 1960, but it was definitely perfected and Psycho is the best exemple.
- Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates
- Vera Miles as Lila Crane
- John Gavin as Sam Loomis
- Janet Leigh as Marion Crane
- Martin Balsam as Detective Milton Arbogast
- John McIntire as Sheriff Al Chambers
- Simon Oakland as Dr. Fred Richman
- Frank Albertson as Tom Cassidy
- Pat Hitchcock as Caroline
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